Optim Orthopedics Physical Therapy for Adolescent / Teen
Today It May Hurt But
Tomorrow It Will Work

Therapy For Adolescents / Teen
Optim Therapy recognizes that injuries and physical issues can be a cause of concern during adolescence and teenage years due to ongoing physical growth. Participating in organized sports can increase the risk of accidents and over-use injuries since bones, muscles, and tendons are still in development.
In case your child has sustained an injury, Optim Therapy will work in partnership with them and their physician to create and execute a treatment plan that aligns with the physician’s orders and fulfills your child’s personal objectives. Parental education and training form a crucial component of all our adolescent/teen therapy programs, empowering parents with the necessary tools to aid their child’s recovery.What Causes Pediatric Overuse Injuries
Sports Specific Factors
Kids involved in high level sports are susceptible to “burnout” if their bodies are not given chance to rest and rejuvenate. Year round training and increased concentration on one sport at an earlier age has contributed to the increase of pediatric overuse injuries. Due to periods of rapid growth pediatric athletes can sometimes lack the coordination required to develop an effective and strong kinetic chain. This means many high level techniques increased stress is placed on regional body parts.
Growth spurts make kids vulnerable because their muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones are growing rapidly, and they are often growing at different rates. This imbalance causes tightness in muscles and tendons around joint insertions, resulting in a loss of flexibility that increases the risk of injury. Poor equipment and inferior playing surfaces at a pediatric level can also be contributing factors.
The Unprepared System
A large component contributing to pediatric overuse injuries is the relatively “unprepared” system. Growth plates are weaker and more susceptible to injury than normal adult bone. Overuse injury and/or inflammation to bone is more frequent in a pediatric population because the ligamentous and tendon structures are relatively strong, whilst bones with active growth plates lack the strength of adult bone.
The Most Common Adolescent / Teen Overuse Conditions Can Benefit From Physical Therapy
Knee Pain
Asgood Schlatter’s disease is probably the most frequent cause of knee pain in children. The condition occurs most commonly in children between the ages of 9 and 16 years but it can occur in younger children. Osgood-Schlatter disease is always characterized by activity-related pain that occurs a few inches below the knee-cap, or patella, on the front of the knee. The child will have swelling in the area, and tenderness to touch. Sports requiring lots of running, jumping, kneeling, and squatting are particularly associated with this condition.
Heel Pain
Sever’s Disease is the most frequent cause of heel pain in children. It is characterized by pain that occurs on the back of the heel, where the Achilles tendon attaches on the heel bone. Activities such as running and jumping can put stress on the tight muscles and tendons which may lead to inflammation and heel pain at the growth plate. This condition occurs most commonly in active children between the ages of 8 and 14 years. Children older than 15 are more rarely affected because their bones have finished growing
Repetitive Ankle Sprains
Sprains of the ankle ligaments are the most common injury in sports medicine. Most involve the lateral ligament complex. In the pediatric population, these sprains often involve the avulsion of small fragments of bone or cartilage. Early physical therapy intervention and proprioceptive re-education to actively remove swelling and mold healing ligament has been demonstrated to result in optimal return-to-sport timeframes.
Get in Touch
Meet Our Physical Therapists
At our clinic, our sports physical therapists provide comprehensive evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention plan for different sports-related injuries. Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with all the orthopedic sports therapy services you need. Our staff of experienced therapists is familiar with treating the bones, muscles, ligaments, joints, and tendons so you can get back to performing your specific sport.
To schedule an appointment with an occupational or physical therapist at Optim Orthopedics, contact us at 912.644.5300 (8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m.).